Source code for ipypublish.html.create_tpl

#!/usr/bin/env python

create template

philosophy is only turn stuff on when we want

import logging

<!-- A html document -->
<!-- {meta_docstring} -->

{{%- extends 'display_priority.tpl' -%}}


%% HTML Setup
%% ====================

{{%- block header %}}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
{{%- block html_head -%}}
{{%- endblock html_head -%}}
{{%- endblock header -%}}

{{% block body %}}
 {{{{ super() }}}}
{{%- endblock body %}}

{{%- block footer %}}
{{%- endblock footer-%}}

%% Notebook Input
%% ==============

{{%- block any_cell scoped %}}
{{% endblock any_cell %}}

{{% block input_group -%}}
{{{{ super() }}}}
{{% endblock input_group %}}

{{% block in_prompt -%}}
{{%- endblock in_prompt %}}

{{% block input scoped %}}
{{% endblock input %}}

{{% block rawcell scoped %}}
{{% endblock rawcell %}}

{{% block markdowncell scoped %}}
{{% endblock markdowncell %}}

{{% block unknowncell scoped %}}
{{% endblock unknowncell %}}

%% Notebook Outbook
%% ================

{{% block output %}}
{{{{ super() }}}}
{{% endblock output %}}

% Redirect execute_result to display data priority.
{{%- block execute_result scoped %}}
    {{%- set extra_class="output_execute_result" -%}}
    {{% block data_priority scoped %}}
    {{% endblock %}}
    {{%- set extra_class="" -%}}
{{% endblock execute_result %}}

{{% block error %}}
{{% endblock error %}}

{{% block traceback_line %}}
{{% endblock traceback_line %}}

{{% block data_text %}}
{{% endblock data_text %}}

{{% block data_latex %}}
{{% endblock data_latex %}}

{{% block stream_stdout %}}
{{% endblock stream_stdout %}}

{{% block stream_stderr %}}
{{% endblock stream_stderr %}}

{{%- block data_markdown -%}}
{{% endblock data_markdown %}}

{{%- block data_jpg -%}}
{{%- endblock data_jpg -%}}

{{%- block data_png -%}}
{{%- endblock data_png -%}}

{{%- block data_svg -%}}
{{%- endblock data_svg -%}}

{{%- block data_pdf -%}}
{{%- endblock -%}}

{{% block data_html -%}}
{{% endblock data_html%}}

{{%- block data_javascript scoped %}}
{{%- endblock -%}}

{{%- block data_widget_state scoped %}}
{{%- endblock data_widget_state -%}}

{{%- block data_widget_view scoped %}}
{{%- endblock data_widget_view -%}}

%% Jinja Macros
%% ================


[docs]def create_tpl(tpl_dicts=(), outpath=None): """ build an html jinja template from multiple dictionaries, specifying fragments of the template to insert a specific points if a tpl_dict contains the key "overwrite", then its value should be a list of keys, such that these key values overwrite any entries before Parameters ---------- tpl_dicts: list of dicts outpath: str if not None, output template to file """ outline = TPL_OUTLINE tpl_sections = { 'meta_docstring': '', 'globals': '', 'html_header': '', 'html_body_start': '', 'html_body_end': '', 'html_footer': '', 'notebook_all': '', 'notebook_input_code_prompt': '', 'notebook_input_code': '', 'notebook_input_raw': '', 'notebook_input_markdown': '', 'notebook_input_unknown': '', 'notebook_input_code_pre': '', 'notebook_input_raw_pre': '', 'notebook_input_markdown_pre': '', 'notebook_input_unknown_pre': '', 'notebook_input_code_post': '', 'notebook_input_raw_post': '', 'notebook_input_markdown_post': '', 'notebook_input_unknown_post': '', 'notebook_output': '', 'notebook_output_prompt': '', 'notebook_output_text': '', 'notebook_output_error': '', 'notebook_output_traceback': '', 'notebook_output_stream_stderr': '', 'notebook_output_stream_stdout': '', 'notebook_output_latex': '', 'notebook_output_markdown': '', 'notebook_output_png': '', 'notebook_output_jpg': '', 'notebook_output_svg': '', 'notebook_output_pdf': '', 'notebook_output_html': '', 'notebook_output_javascript': '', 'notebook_output_widget_state': '', 'notebook_output_widget_view': '', 'notebook_output_pre': '', 'notebook_output_text_pre': '', 'notebook_output_error_pre': '', 'notebook_output_traceback_pre': '', 'notebook_output_stream_stderr_pre': '', 'notebook_output_stream_stdout_pre': '', 'notebook_output_latex_pre': '', 'notebook_output_markdown_pre': '', 'notebook_output_png_pre': '', 'notebook_output_jpg_pre': '', 'notebook_output_svg_pre': '', 'notebook_output_pdf_pre': '', 'notebook_output_html_pre': '', 'notebook_output_javascript_pre': '', 'notebook_output_widget_state_pre': '', 'notebook_output_widget_view_pre': '', 'notebook_output_post': '', 'notebook_output_text_post': '', 'notebook_output_error_post': '', 'notebook_output_traceback_post': '', 'notebook_output_stream_stderr_post': '', 'notebook_output_stream_stdout_post': '', 'notebook_output_latex_post': '', 'notebook_output_markdown_post': '', 'notebook_output_png_post': '', 'notebook_output_jpg_post': '', 'notebook_output_svg_post': '', 'notebook_output_pdf_post': '', 'notebook_output_html_post': '', 'notebook_output_javascript_post': '', 'notebook_output_widget_state_post': '', 'notebook_output_widget_view_post': '', 'jinja_macros': ''} for i, tpl_dict in enumerate(tpl_dicts): if 'overwrite' in list(tpl_dict.keys()): overwrite = tpl_dict['overwrite'] else: overwrite = [] logging.debug('overwrite keys: {}'.format(overwrite)) for key, val in tpl_dict.items(): if key == 'overwrite': pass elif key not in tpl_sections: raise ValueError( '{0} from tpl_dict {1} not in outline tpl section'.format(key, i + 1)) elif key in overwrite: tpl_sections[key] = val # if its pre then add befor existing (if post add after) elif '_pre' in key: tpl_sections[key] = val + '\n' + tpl_sections[key] else: tpl_sections[key] = tpl_sections[key] + '\n' + val outline = outline.format(**tpl_sections) if outpath is not None: with open(outpath, 'w') as f: f.write(outline) return return outline