Source code for ipypublish.filters_pandoc.format_cite_elements

""" a panflute filter to format Cite elements

The :py:mod:`ipypublish.filters_pandoc.prepare_cites` filter should be run
first to access the functionality below:

from panflute import Element, Doc, Span, Cite  # noqa: F401
import panflute as pf

from ipypublish.filters_pandoc.definitions import (
from ipypublish.filters_pandoc.html_bib import read_bibliography, process_bib_entry

[docs]def format_cites(cite, doc): # type: (Cite, Doc) -> Element """ originally adapted from: `pandoc-xnos <>`_ """ if not isinstance(cite, pf.Cite): return None # default tags for latex and rst cite_tag = doc.get_metadata(IPUB_META_ROUTE + ".reftag", "cite") cite_role = "cite" html_capitalize = False # check is the Cite has a surrounding Span to supply attributed span = None if isinstance(cite.parent, pf.Span) and ATTRIBUTE_CITE_CLASS in cite.parent.classes: span = cite.parent cite_tag = span.attributes.get("latex", cite_tag) cite_role = span.attributes.get("rst", cite_role) html_capitalize = "capital" in span.classes if cite_role == "numref" and ( not doc.get_metadata(IPUB_META_ROUTE + ".use_numref", False) ): cite_role = "ref" if doc.format in ("latex", "tex"): if cite_tag in ["cite", "cref", "Cref"] or len(cite.citations) == 1: # multiple labels are allowed return pf.RawInline( "\\{0}{{{1}}}".format( cite_tag, ",".join([ for c in cite.citations]) ), format="tex", ) else: tex = ", ".join( ["\\{0}{{{1}}}".format(cite_tag, for c in cite.citations[:-1]] ) + " and \\{0}{{{1}}}".format(cite_tag, cite.citations[-1].id) return pf.RawInline(tex, format="tex") if doc.format == "rst": if len(cite.citations) == 1: raw = pf.RawInline( ":{0}:`{1}`".format(cite_role, cite.citations[0].id), format="rst" ) elif cite_role == "cite": raw = pf.RawInline( ":{0}:`{1}`".format( cite_role, ",".join([ for c in cite.citations]) ), format="rst", ) else: raw = pf.RawInline( ", ".join( [":{0}:`{1}`".format(cite_role, for c in cite.citations[:-1]] ) + " and :{0}:`{1}`".format(cite_role, cite.citations[-1].id), format="rst", ) # in testing, rst cite roles required space either side # to render correctly # TODO check if spacing is required for :cite: roles (and others) if cite_role == "cite": elem = span if span else cite # type: pf.Inline raw = [raw] if elem.prev and not isinstance(elem.prev, pf.Space): raw.insert(0, pf.Space()) if and not isinstance(, pf.Space): raw.append(pf.Space()) return raw if doc.format in ("html", "html5"): elements = [] cites = set() names = dict() unknown = set() for citation in cite.citations: ref = doc.get_metadata("$$references.{}".format(, False) if ref: # ref -> e.g. {"type": "Math", "number": 1} prefix = dict(CITE_HTML_NAMES).get(ref["type"], ref["type"]) prefix = prefix.capitalize() if html_capitalize else prefix # label = "{} {}".format(prefix, ref["number"]) # elements.append(pf.RawInline( # '<a href="#{0}">{1}</a>'.format(, label), # format=doc.format)) # found_ref = True names.setdefault(prefix, set()).add( '<a href="#{0}">{1}</a>'.format(, ref["number"]) ) elif in doc.bibdatabase: cites.add(process_bib_entry(, doc.bibdatabase, doc.bibnums)) # elements.append(pf.RawInline( # process_bib_entry( #, doc.bibdatabase, doc.bibnums), # format=doc.format)) # found_ref = True else: unknown.add( # elements.append(pf.Cite(citations=[citation])) # if found_ref: # return elements # else: # return pf.RawInline( # '<span style="background-color:rgba(225, 0, 0, .5)">' # # 'No reference found for: {}</span>'.format( # '{}</span>'.format( # ", ".join([ for c in cite.citations]))) elements = [] if cites: # TODO sort elements.append( pf.RawInline( "<span>[{}]</span>".format(",".join(c for c in cites)), format=doc.format, ) ) if names: # TODO sort for prefix, labels in names.items(): elements.append( pf.RawInline( "<span>{} {}</span>".format( prefix, ",".join(l for l in labels) ), format=doc.format, ) ) if unknown: elements.append( pf.RawInline( '<span style="background-color:rgba(225, 0, 0, .5)">' # 'No reference found for: {}</span>'.format( "{}</span>".format(", ".join([l for l in unknown])) ) ) return elements
[docs]def format_span_cites(span, doc): # type: (Cite, Doc) -> Element if not isinstance(span, pf.Span): return None if CONVERTED_CITE_CLASS not in span.classes: return None if doc.format in ("latex", "tex"): cite_tag = "cite" if span.attributes["format"] == "latex": cite_tag = span.attributes["tag"] # TODO use cref for rst ref/numref return pf.RawInline( "\\{0}{{{1}}}".format(cite_tag, span.identifier, format="tex") ) if doc.format == "rst": cite_role = "cite" if span.attributes["format"] == "rst": cite_role = span.attributes["role"] # TODO use ref for latex ref/cref/Cref return [ pf.RawInline(":{0}:`{1}`".format(cite_role, span.identifier), format="rst") ] if doc.format in ("html", "html5"): # <cite data-cite="cite_key">text</cite> return ( [ pf.RawInline( '<cite data-cite="{}">'.format(span.identifier), format="html" ) ] + list(span.content) + [pf.RawInline("</cite>", format="html")] )
[docs]def prepare(doc): # type: (Doc) -> None doc.bibnums = {} doc.bibdatabase = {} if doc.format in ("html", "html5"): bib_path = doc.get_metadata("ipub.bibliography", None) if bib_path: doc.bibdatabase = read_bibliography(bib_path)
[docs]def finalize(doc): # type: (Doc) -> None del doc.bibnums del doc.bibdatabase
[docs]def strip_cite_spans(span, doc): # type: (Span, Doc) -> Element if isinstance(span, pf.Span) and ATTRIBUTE_CITE_CLASS in span.classes: return list(span.content)
[docs]def main(doc=None, strip_spans=True): # type: (Doc) -> None to_run = [format_cites] if strip_spans: to_run.append(strip_cite_spans) return pf.run_filters(to_run, prepare, finalize, doc=doc)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()