Source code for ipypublish.frontend.nbpublish

#!/usr/bin/env python
import logging
import sys

from ipypublish.frontend.shared import parse_options
from ipypublish.convert.main import IpyPubMain

logger = logging.getLogger("nbpublish")

[docs]def nbpublish( ipynb_path, outformat="latex_ipypublish_main", outpath=None, dump_files=True, ignore_prefix="_", clear_files=False, create_pdf=False, pdf_in_temp=False, pdf_debug=False, launch_browser=False, log_level="INFO", dry_run=False, print_traceback=False, export_paths=(), ): """ convert one or more Jupyter notebooks to a published format paths can be string of an existing file or folder, or a pathlib.Path like object Parameters ---------- ipynb_path notebook file or directory outformat: str output format to use outpath : str or pathlib.Path path to output converted files dump_files: bool write files from nbconvert (containing images, etc) to outpath ignore_prefix: str ignore ipynb files with this prefix clear_files : str whether to clear existing external files in outpath folder create_pdf: bool convert to pdf (if converting to latex) pdf_in_temp: bool run pdf conversion in a temporary folder and only copy back the pdf file pdf_debug: bool run latexmk in interactive mode log_level: str the logging level (debug, info, critical, ...) """ # run config = { "IpyPubMain": { "conversion": outformat, "plugin_folder_paths": export_paths, "outpath": outpath, "ignore_prefix": ignore_prefix, "log_to_stdout": True, "log_level_stdout": log_level, "log_to_file": True, "log_level_file": log_level, "default_pporder_kwargs": dict( dry_run=dry_run, clear_existing=clear_files, dump_files=dump_files, create_pdf=create_pdf, ), "default_ppconfig_kwargs": dict( pdf_in_temp=pdf_in_temp, pdf_debug=pdf_debug, launch_browser=launch_browser, ), } } publish = IpyPubMain(config=config) try: publish(ipynb_path) except Exception as err: logger.error("Run Failed: {}".format(err)) if print_traceback: raise return 1 return 0
[docs]def run(sys_args=None): if sys_args is None: sys_args = sys.argv[1:] filepath, options = parse_options(sys_args, "nbpublish") outcode = nbpublish(filepath, **options) return outcode