Source code for ipypublish.scripts.nb_setup

Some useful functions for creating
publishable jupyter notebooks


.. code-block:: python

    from ipypublish import nb_setup
    plt = nb_setup.setup_matplotlib(
    pd = nb_setup.setup_pandas(escape_latex=True)
    sym = nb_setup.setup_sympy()
    import numpy as np
    from IPython.display import Image, Latex

# Py2/Py3 compatibility
# =====================
# from __future__ import division as _division
# from __future__ import print_function as _print_function
import json
from io import BytesIO

# from IPython.display import Image, Latex

    ("lines.linewidth", 1.5),
    ("lines.markeredgewidth", 1.0),
    ("lines.markersize", 8),
    ("lines.antialiased", True),
    ("lines.dashed_pattern", (3.7, 1.6)),
    ("lines.dashdot_pattern", (6.4, 1.6, 1, 1.6)),
    ("lines.dotted_pattern", [1, 1.65]),
    ("lines.scale_dashes", True),
    ("patch.linewidth", 1.0),
    ("patch.force_edgecolor", False),
    ("patch.antialiased", True),
    ("hatch.linewidth", 1.0),
    ("hist.bins", 10),
    ("boxplot.notch", False),
    ("boxplot.vertical", True),
    ("boxplot.whiskers", 1.5),
    ("boxplot.patchartist", False),
    ("boxplot.showmeans", False),
    ("boxplot.showcaps", True),
    ("boxplot.showbox", True),
    ("boxplot.showfliers", True),
    ("boxplot.meanline", False),
    ("boxplot.flierprops.markersize", 6),
    ("boxplot.flierprops.linewidth", 1.0),
    ("boxplot.boxprops.linewidth", 1.0),
    ("boxplot.whiskerprops.linewidth", 1.0),
    ("boxplot.capprops.linewidth", 1.0),
    ("boxplot.medianprops.linewidth", 1.0),
    ("boxplot.meanprops.markersize", 6),
    ("boxplot.meanprops.linewidth", 1.0),
    ("", "sans-serif"),
    ("font.serif", "cm"),
    ("font.size", 16),
    ("text.usetex", True),
    # ('text.latex.unicode', False),
    ("text.latex.preamble", ("\\usepackage{subdepth}", "\\usepackage{type1cm}")),
    ("text.latex.preview", False),
    ("text.hinting_factor", 8),
    ("text.antialiased", True),
    ("mathtext.fallback_to_cm", True),
    ("image.lut", 256),
    ("image.resample", True),
    ("image.composite_image", True),
    ("contour.corner_mask", True),
    ("errorbar.capsize", 0),
    ("axes.labelsize", 18),
    ("axes.linewidth", 2.0),
    ("axes.spines.left", True),
    ("axes.spines.right", True),
    ("axes.spines.bottom", True),
    ("", True),
    ("axes.titlesize", 20),
    ("axes.titlepad", 6.0),
    ("axes.grid", False),
    ("axes.labelpad", 4.0),
    ("axes.formatter.limits", (-7, 7)),
    ("axes.formatter.use_locale", False),
    ("axes.formatter.use_mathtext", False),
    ("axes.formatter.min_exponent", 0),
    ("axes.formatter.useoffset", True),
    ("axes.formatter.offset_threshold", 4),
    ("axes.unicode_minus", True),
    ("axes.xmargin", 0.05),
    ("axes.ymargin", 0.05),
    ("polaraxes.grid", True),
    ("axes3d.grid", True),
    ("legend.fontsize", 14),
    ("legend.fancybox", True),
    ("legend.numpoints", 1),
    ("legend.scatterpoints", 1),
    ("legend.markerscale", 1.0),
    ("legend.shadow", False),
    ("legend.frameon", True),
    ("legend.framealpha", 0.8),
    ("legend.borderpad", 0.4),
    ("legend.labelspacing", 0.5),
    ("legend.handlelength", 2.0),
    ("legend.handleheight", 0.7),
    ("legend.handletextpad", 0.8),
    ("legend.borderaxespad", 0.5),
    ("legend.columnspacing", 2.0),
    ("", False),
    ("xtick.bottom", True),
    ("xtick.labeltop", False),
    ("xtick.labelbottom", True),
    ("xtick.major.size", 3.5),
    ("xtick.minor.size", 2),
    ("xtick.major.width", 0.8),
    ("xtick.minor.width", 0.6),
    ("xtick.major.pad", 3.5),
    ("xtick.minor.pad", 3.4),
    ("xtick.minor.visible", False),
    ("", True),
    ("xtick.minor.bottom", True),
    ("", True),
    ("xtick.major.bottom", True),
    ("ytick.left", True),
    ("ytick.right", False),
    ("ytick.labelleft", True),
    ("ytick.labelright", False),
    ("ytick.major.size", 3.5),
    ("ytick.minor.size", 2),
    ("ytick.major.width", 0.8),
    ("ytick.minor.width", 0.6),
    ("ytick.major.pad", 3.5),
    ("ytick.minor.pad", 3.4),
    ("ytick.minor.visible", False),
    ("ytick.minor.left", True),
    ("ytick.minor.right", True),
    ("ytick.major.left", True),
    ("ytick.major.right", True),
    ("grid.linewidth", 0.8),
    ("grid.alpha", 1.0),
    ("figure.figsize", (6.4, 4.8)),
    ("figure.dpi", 100),
    ("figure.frameon", True),
    ("figure.autolayout", False),
    ("figure.max_open_warning", 20),
    ("figure.subplot.left", 0.125),
    ("figure.subplot.right", 0.9),
    ("figure.subplot.bottom", 0.11),
    ("", 0.88),
    ("figure.subplot.wspace", 0.2),
    ("figure.subplot.hspace", 0.2),
    ("figure.constrained_layout.use", False),
    ("figure.constrained_layout.hspace", 0.02),
    ("figure.constrained_layout.wspace", 0.02),
    ("figure.constrained_layout.h_pad", 0.04167),
    ("figure.constrained_layout.w_pad", 0.04167),
    ("savefig.jpeg_quality", 95),
    ("savefig.pad_inches", 0.1),
    ("savefig.transparent", False),
    ("savefig.dpi", 75),
    ("svg.image_inline", True),
    ("path.simplify", True),
    ("path.simplify_threshold", 0.1111111111111111),
    ("path.snap", True),
    ("path.effects", ()),
    ("agg.path.chunksize", 0),
    ("animation.embed_limit", 20),
    ("animation.bitrate", -1),
    ("animation.html_args", ()),
    ("animation.ffmpeg_args", ()),
    ("animation.avconv_args", ()),
    ("animation.convert_args", ()),

[docs]def setup_matplotlib( output=("pdf", "svg"), rcparams=None, usetex=True, print_errors=False ): """ import and setup matplotlib in the jupyter notebook Parameters ---------- output: tuple[str] the output formats to save to the notebook rcparams: None or dict update default parameters set for matplotlib usetex: bool if True, and the 'latex' command is available, create figures with LaTeX print_errors: bool print errors for unavailable rcparams """ from IPython import get_ipython from IPython.display import set_matplotlib_formats import matplotlib as mpl try: from shutil import which except ImportError: from shutilwhich import which ipython = get_ipython() latex_available = which("latex") is not None # if not latex_available: # output = [o for o in output if o != "pdf"] set_matplotlib_formats(*output) ipython.magic("matplotlib inline") if "svg" in output: ipython.magic("config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'") final_params = dict(MPL_OPTIONS) if rcparams is not None: final_params.update(rcparams) if usetex and latex_available: final_params.update({"text.usetex": True}) else: final_params.update({"text.usetex": False}) keyerrors = [] valerrors = {} for key, val in final_params.items(): try: mpl.rcParams[key] = val except KeyError: keyerrors.append(key) except ValueError: valerrors[key] = val if print_errors: if keyerrors: print("KeyErrors:") for key in keyerrors: print("- key") if valerrors: print("ValueError:") print(json.dumps(valerrors, indent=2)) return mpl.pyplot
[docs]def setup_pandas(escape_latex=False, use_longtable=False): """ import and setup pandas in the jupyter notebook Parameters ---------- escape_latex: bool whether to escape special latex character, e.g. `_` -> `\\_` """ import pandas as pd pd.set_option("display.latex.repr", True) pd.set_option("display.latex.longtable", use_longtable) pd.set_option("display.latex.escape", escape_latex) return pd
[docs]def setup_sympy(): import sympy sympy.init_printing(use_latex=True) return sympy
[docs]def get_pimage(): try: from PIL import Image except ImportError: raise ImportError("to use this function; pip install pillow") return Image
[docs]def create_test_image(size=(50, 50)): file = BytesIO() image = get_pimage().new("RGBA", size=size, color=(155, 0, 0)), "png") = "test.png" return file
[docs]def images_read(paths): """read a list of image paths to a list of PIL.IMAGE instances """ return [get_pimage().open(i).convert("RGBA") for i in paths]
[docs]def images_hconcat(images, width=700, height=700, gap=0, aspaths=True): """concatenate multiple images horizontally Parameters ---------- images : list if aspaths=True, list of path strings, else list of PIL.Image instances width : int or list[int] maximum width of final image, or of individual images height : int or list[int] maximum height of final image, or of individual images gap : int size of space between images Returns ------- image : PIL.Image Examples -------- >>> img_path = create_test_image(size=(50,50)) >>> img = images_hconcat([img_path,img_path]) >>> img.size (100, 50) >>> img_path = create_test_image(size=(50,50)) >>> img = images_hconcat([img_path,img_path],width=40,height=40) >>> img.size (40, 20) >>> img_path = create_test_image(size=(50,50)) >>> img = images_hconcat([img_path,img_path],width=[40,30]) >>> img.size (70, 40) >>> img_path = create_test_image(size=(50,50)) >>> img = images_hconcat([img_path,img_path],gap=10) >>> img.size (110, 50) """ pimage = get_pimage() images = images_read(images) if aspaths else images if not isinstance(width, list): widths = [width for _ in images] else: widths = width[:] width = sum(widths) + gap * (len(images) - 1) if not isinstance(height, list): heights = [height for _ in images] else: heights = height[:] height = sum(heights) for im, w, h in zip(images, widths, heights): im.thumbnail((w, h), pimage.ANTIALIAS) widths, heights = zip(*(i.size for i in images)) total_width = sum(widths) + gap * (len(images) - 1) max_height = max(heights) new_im ="RGBA", (total_width, max_height)) x_offset = 0 for im in images: new_im.paste(im, (x_offset, 0), mask=im) x_offset += im.size[0] + gap new_im.thumbnail((width, height), pimage.ANTIALIAS) return new_im
[docs]def images_vconcat(images, width=700, height=700, gap=0, aspaths=True): """concatenate multiple images vertically Parameters ---------- images : list if aspaths=True, list of path strings, else list of PIL.Image instances width : int or list[int] maximum width of final image, or of individual images height : int or list[int] maximum height of final image, or of individual images gap : int size of space between images Returns ------- image : PIL.Image Examples -------- >>> img_path = create_test_image(size=(50,50)) >>> img = images_vconcat([img_path,img_path]) >>> img.size (50, 100) >>> img_path = create_test_image(size=(50,50)) >>> img = images_vconcat([img_path,img_path],width=40,height=40) >>> img.size (20, 40) >>> img_path = create_test_image(size=(50,50)) >>> img = images_vconcat([img_path,img_path],width=[40,30]) >>> img.size (40, 70) >>> img_path = create_test_image(size=(50,50)) >>> img = images_vconcat([img_path,img_path],gap=10) >>> img.size (50, 110) """ pimage = get_pimage() images = images_read(images) if aspaths else images if not isinstance(width, list): widths = [width for _ in images] else: widths = width[:] width = sum(widths) if not isinstance(height, list): heights = [height for _ in images] else: heights = height[:] height = sum(heights) + gap * (len(images) - 1) for im, w, h in zip(images, widths, heights): im.thumbnail((w, h), pimage.ANTIALIAS) widths, heights = zip(*(i.size for i in images)) max_width = max(widths) total_height = sum(heights) + gap * (len(images) - 1) new_im ="RGBA", (max_width, total_height)) y_offset = 0 for im in images: new_im.paste(im, (0, y_offset), mask=im) y_offset += im.size[1] + gap new_im.thumbnail((width, height), pimage.ANTIALIAS) return new_im
[docs]def images_gridconcat(pathslist, width=700, height=700, aspaths=True, hgap=0, vgap=0): """concatenate multiple images in a grid Parameters ---------- pathslist : list[list] if aspaths=True, list of path strings, else list of PIL.Image instances each sub list constitutes a row width : int maximum width of final image height : int maximum height of final image hgap : int size of horizontal space between images vgap : int size of vertical space between images Returns ------- image : PIL.Image """ pimage = get_pimage() himages = [images_hconcat(paths, gap=hgap, aspaths=aspaths) for paths in pathslist] new_im = images_vconcat(himages, gap=vgap, aspaths=False) new_im.thumbnail((width, height), pimage.ANTIALIAS) return new_im
if __name__ == "__main__": import matplotlib as mpl print( json.dumps( { k: v[0] for k, v in mpl.rcsetup.defaultParams.items() if isinstance(v[0], (int, float, list, tuple, set)) }, indent=2, ) )