Source code for ipypublish.sphinx.notebook.parser

import os
import logging
from typing import Union  # noqa: F401

from docutils import nodes  # noqa E501
from docutils.parsers import rst
from ipypublish.utils import handle_error
from ipypublish.sphinx.utils import import_sphinx
from ipypublish.convert.main import IpyPubMain

# TODO should inherit from sphinx.parsers.RSTParser
# however, sphinx is an optional dependency
[docs]class NBParser(rst.Parser): """Sphinx source parser for Jupyter notebooks. adapted from nbsphinx """ supported = ("jupyter_notebook",) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): = None self.config = None self.env = None try: sphinx = import_sphinx() class NotebookError(sphinx.errors.SphinxError): """Error during notebook parsing.""" category = "Notebook error" self.error_nb = NotebookError self.error_config = sphinx.errors.ConfigError self.logger = sphinx.util.logging.getLogger("nbparser") except (ImportError, AttributeError): self.error_nb = IOError self.error_config = TypeError self.logger = logging.getLogger("nbparser") super(NBParser, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_application(self, app): """set_application will be called from Sphinx to set app and other instance variables Parameters ---------- app: sphinx.application.Sphinx Sphinx application object """ = app self.config = app.config self.env = app.env
[docs] def parse(self, inputstring, document): # type: (Union[str, list[str]], nodes.document) -> None """Parse text and generate a document tree.""" # fix for when calling on readthedocs self.env = self.env or document.settings.env self.config = self.config or document.settings.env.config # get file for conversion filepath = self.env.doc2path(self.env.docname) filedir = os.path.dirname(filepath)"ipypublish: converting {}".format(filepath)) config = { "IpyPubMain": { "conversion": self.config.ipysphinx_export_config, "plugin_folder_paths": self.config.ipysphinx_config_folders, "outpath": filedir, "folder_suffix": self.config.ipysphinx_folder_suffix, "log_to_stdout": False, "log_to_file": False, "default_pporder_kwargs": dict(clear_existing=False, dump_files=True), } } if self.config.ipysphinx_preconverters: # NB: jupytext is already a default for .Rmd config["IpyPubMain"][ "pre_conversion_funcs" ] = self.config.ipysphinx_preconverters publish = IpyPubMain(config=config) outdata = publish(filepath)"ipypublish: successful conversion") # check we got back restructuredtext exporter = outdata["exporter"] if not exporter.output_mimetype == "text/restructuredtext": handle_error( "ipypublish: the output content is not of type " "text/restructuredtext: {}".format(exporter.output_mimetype), TypeError, self.logger, ) # TODO document use of orphan if outdata["resources"].get("ipub", {}).get("orphan", False): rst.Parser.parse(self, ":orphan:", document) # parse a prolog if self.env.config.ipysphinx_prolog: prolog = exporter.environment.from_string( self.env.config.ipysphinx_prolog ).render(env=self.env) rst.Parser.parse(self, prolog, document) # parse the main body of the file rst.Parser.parse(self, outdata["stream"], document) # parse an epilog if self.env.config.ipysphinx_epilog: prolog = exporter.environment.from_string( self.env.config.ipysphinx_epilog ).render(env=self.env) rst.Parser.parse(self, prolog, document) # TODO is there a better way to parse data back from the parser? # record if the notebook contains ipywidgets if outdata["resources"].get("contains_ipywidgets", False): if not hasattr(self.env, "ipysphinx_widgets"): self.env.ipysphinx_widgets = set() self.env.ipysphinx_widgets.add(self.env.docname) # record that the document was created from a notebook if not hasattr(self.env, "ipysphinx_created_from_nb"): self.env.ipysphinx_created_from_nb = set() self.env.ipysphinx_created_from_nb.add(self.env.docname)