Source code for ipypublish.bib2glossary.classes

import copy
import io
import logging
import os

import bibtexparser

from ipypublish.bib2glossary.definitions import (

    from import MutableMapping
except ImportError:
    from collections import MutableMapping

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BibGlossEntry(object): _allowed_types = (ETYPE_GLOSS, ETYPE_ACRONYM, ETYPE_SYMBOL) def __init__(self, entry_dict): self._validate_dict(entry_dict) self._entry_dict = entry_dict def _validate_dict(self, dct): if "ID" not in dct: raise KeyError if "ENTRYTYPE" not in dct: raise KeyError if dct["ENTRYTYPE"] not in self._allowed_types: raise TypeError("ENTRYTYPE must be one of: {}".format(self._allowed_types)) if dct["ENTRYTYPE"] == ETYPE_ACRONYM: if "abbreviation" not in dct or "longname" not in dct: raise KeyError elif dct["ENTRYTYPE"] == ETYPE_GLOSS or dct["ENTRYTYPE"] == ETYPE_SYMBOL: if "name" not in dct or "description" not in dct: raise KeyError def _get_key(self): return self._entry_dict["ID"] def _set_key(self, key): self._entry_dict["ID"] = key key = property(_get_key, _set_key) @property def type(self): return self._entry_dict["ENTRYTYPE"] def __contains__(self, key): return key in self._entry_dict
[docs] def get(self, key): return self._entry_dict[key]
@property def label(self): if self.type == ETYPE_ACRONYM: return self.get("abbreviation") elif self.type == ETYPE_GLOSS: return self.get("name") elif self.type == ETYPE_SYMBOL: return self.get("name") else: raise NotImplementedError @property def sortkey(self): if "sort" in self: return self.get("sort") else: return self.label.lower() @property def plural(self): if "plural" in self: return self.get("plural") else: return "{}s".format(self.label) @property def text(self): if self.type == ETYPE_ACRONYM: return self.get("longname") elif self.type == ETYPE_GLOSS: return self.get("description") elif self.type == ETYPE_SYMBOL: return self.get("description") else: raise NotImplementedError def __repr__(self): return "BibGlossEntry(key={0},label={1})".format(self.key, self.label)
[docs] def to_dict(self): return copy.deepcopy(self._entry_dict)
[docs] def to_latex(self): if self.type in [ETYPE_GLOSS, ETYPE_SYMBOL]: options = [] for field in sorted(NEWGLOSS_FIELDS): if field in self: options.append("{0}={{{1}}}".format(field, self.get(field))) if self.type == ETYPE_SYMBOL: options.append("type={symbols}") body = "{{{key}}}{{\n {options}\n}}".format( key=self.key, options=",\n ".join(options) ) return "\\newglossaryentry" + body elif self.type == ETYPE_ACRONYM: body = "{{{key}}}{{{abbrev}}}{{{long}}}".format( key=self.key, abbrev=self.label, long=self.text ) options = [] for field in sorted(NEWACRONYM_FIELDS): if field in self: options.append("{0}={{{1}}}".format(field, self.get(field))) if options: body = "[" + ",".join(options) + "]" + body return "\\newacronym" + body
[docs]class BibGlossDB(MutableMapping): def __init__(self): self._entries = {} def __getitem__(self, key): return self._entries[key] def __setitem__(self, key, entry): if not isinstance(entry, BibGlossEntry): raise ValueError("value must be a BibGlossEntry") if key != entry.key: raise ValueError("key must equal entry.key") self._entries[key] = entry def __delitem__(self, key): del self._entries[key] def __iter__(self): return iter(self._entries) def __len__(self): return len(self._entries)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_fake_entry_obj(key): return BibGlossEntry( {"ENTRYTYPE": ETYPE_GLOSS, "ID": key, "name": key, "description": ""} )
[docs] def load_bib( self, text_str=None, path=None, bibdb=None, encoding="utf8", ignore_nongloss_types=False, ignore_duplicates=False, ): """load a bib file Parameters ---------- text_str=None: str or None string representing the bib file contents path=None: str or None path to bibfile bibdb=None: bibtexparser.bibdatabase.BibDatabase or None encoding="utf8": str bib file encoding ignore_nongloss_types: bool if False, a KeyError will be raised for non-gloss types ignore_duplicates: bool if False, a KeyError will be raised if multiple entries are found with the same key, otherwise only the first entry will be used """ bib = None if sum([e is not None for e in [text_str, path, bibdb]]) != 1: raise ValueError("only one of text_str, path or bib must be supplied") if bibdb is not None: if not isinstance(bibdb, bibtexparser.bibdatabase.BibDatabase): raise ValueError("bib is not a BibDatabase instance") bib = bibdb elif path is not None: if text_str is not None: raise ValueError("text_str and path cannot be set at the same time") with, encoding=encoding) as fobj: text_str = if bib is None: parser = bibtexparser.bparser.BibTexParser() parser.ignore_nonstandard_types = False parser.encoding = encoding bib = parser.parse(text_str) # TODO doesn't appear to check for key duplication # see entries = {} for entry_dict in bib.entries: try: entry = BibGlossEntry(entry_dict) except TypeError: if ignore_nongloss_types: logger.warning("Skipping non-glossary entry") continue else: raise if entry.key in entries: if ignore_duplicates: logger.warning("Skipping duplicate key entry") continue else: raise KeyError( "the bib file contains " "multiple entries with the key: {}".format(entry.key) ) entries[entry.key] = entry # self._bib = bib self._entries = entries return True
[docs] def load_tex( self, text_str=None, path=None, encoding="utf8", skip_ioerrors=False, ignore_unknown_types=True, ): """load a tex file Parameters ---------- text_str=None: str or None string representing the bib file contents path=None: str or None path to bibfile bibdb=None: bibtexparser.bibdatabase.BibDatabase or None encoding="utf8": str bib file encoding skip_ioerrors: bool if False, an IOError will be raised if newglossaryterm or newacronym is badly formatted ignore_unknown_types: bool if True, strip unknown types, otherwise raise a ValueError Notes ----- the texsoup package is required. if a newglossaryterm has field 'type={symbols}', then it will be loaded as a symbol """ from ipypublish.bib2glossary.parse_tex import parse_tex gterms, acronyms = parse_tex( text_str=text_str, path=path, encoding=encoding, skip_ioerrors=skip_ioerrors ) entries = {} for key, fields in gterms.items(): fields["ENTRYTYPE"] = ETYPE_GLOSS if fields.get("type", None) == "symbols": fields["ENTRYTYPE"] = ETYPE_SYMBOL fields.pop("type") elif "type" in fields: if not ignore_unknown_types: raise ValueError( "the 'type' is not recognised: " "{}".format(fields["type"]) ) fields.pop("type") fields["ID"] = key entry = BibGlossEntry(fields) entries[entry.key] = entry for key, fields in acronyms.items(): fields["ENTRYTYPE"] = ETYPE_ACRONYM fields["ID"] = key entry = BibGlossEntry(fields) entries[entry.key] = entry self._entries = entries return True
[docs] @staticmethod def guess_path(path): """ guess the path of a bib file, with or without a file extension, from the available files in the path folder """ basepath, extension = os.path.splitext(str(path)) if extension in [".bib", ".biblatex", ".bibtex"]: return path elif extension in [".tex", ".latex"]: return path elif os.path.exists(basepath + ".bib"): return basepath + ".bib" elif os.path.exists(basepath + ".bibtex"): return basepath + ".bibtex" elif os.path.exists(basepath + ".biblatex"): return basepath + ".biblatex" elif os.path.exists(basepath + ".tex"): return basepath + ".tex" elif os.path.exists(basepath + ".latex"): return basepath + ".latex" else: return None
[docs] def load(self, path, encoding="utf8"): """load a file, the type will be guessed from the extension, or (if no extension is given), the available files in the path folder Parameters ---------- path: str encoding='utf8': str encoding of the file """ path = self.guess_path(path) if path is None: raise IOError("no acceptable loader found for path: {}".format(path)) basepath, extension = os.path.splitext(str(path)) if extension in [".bib", ".biblatex", ".bibtex"]: self.load_bib(path=path, encoding=encoding) elif extension in [".tex", ".latex"]: self.load_tex(path=path, encoding=encoding)
[docs] def to_dict(self): return {k: e.to_dict() for k, e in self.items()}
[docs] def to_bib_string(self): bibdb = bibtexparser.bibdatabase.BibDatabase() bibdb.entries = [e.to_dict() for e in self.values()] writer = bibtexparser.bwriter.BibTexWriter() writer.contents = ["comments", "entries"] writer.indent = " " # writer.order_entries_by = ('ENTRYTYPE', 'ID') return writer.write(bibdb)
[docs] def to_latex_dict(self, splitlines=True): """convert to dict of latex strings Returns ------- dict: {(<type>, <key>): <latex string>} """ latex_stings = {} for entry in self.values(): string = entry.to_latex() if splitlines: string = string.splitlines() latex_stings[(entry.type, entry.key)] = string return latex_stings
[docs] def to_latex_string(self): lines = [] latex_dict = self.to_latex_dict(splitlines=False) for key in sorted(list(latex_dict.keys())): lines.append(latex_dict[key]) return "\n".join(lines)