Source code for ipypublish.bib2glossary.test_bib2gloss

import re
import sys
from textwrap import dedent
import pytest
from ipypublish.bib2glossary import BibGlossDB

bib_str = """\
    description = {the description},
    name = {name}
    description = {the description of other},
    name = {other name}
    abbreviation = {ABRV},
    longname = {Abbreviation},
    description = {a description}
    abbreviation = {OTHER},
    longname = {Abbrev of other},
    plural = {OTHERs}
    description = {the description of symbol},
    name = {\\pi}
    field = {text}

# TODO check for key duplication
# see

tex_str = """\
    \\newacronym[description={a description}]{akey1}{OTHER}{Abbreviation of other}
        name={other name},
        description={the description of other}
        description={the description},
    """  # noqa: E501

[docs]def test_load_bib_type_error(): bibgloss = BibGlossDB() with pytest.raises(TypeError): bibgloss.load_bib(text_str=dedent(bib_str), ignore_nongloss_types=False)
[docs]def test_load_bib_type_ignore(): bibgloss = BibGlossDB() bibgloss.load_bib(text_str=dedent(bib_str), ignore_nongloss_types=True) assert set(bibgloss.keys()) == {"gtkey1", "gtkey2", "akey1", "akey2", "skey1"}
[docs]@pytest.mark.skipif( sys.version_info < (3, 0), reason="SyntaxError on import of texsoup/ line 135", ) def test_load_tex(): bibgloss = BibGlossDB() bibgloss.load_tex(text_str=dedent(tex_str)) assert {k: e.type for k, e in bibgloss.items()} == { "gtkey1": "glsterm", "akey1": "glsacronym", "skey1": "glssymbol", }
[docs]def test_to_dict(): bibgloss = BibGlossDB() bibgloss.load_bib(text_str=dedent(bib_str), ignore_nongloss_types=True) dct = bibgloss.to_dict() assert set(dct.keys()) == {"gtkey1", "gtkey2", "akey1", "akey2", "skey1"}
[docs]def test_to_bib_string(): bibgloss = BibGlossDB() bibgloss.load_bib(text_str=dedent(bib_str), ignore_nongloss_types=True) string = bibgloss.to_bib_string() assert "@glsacronym\\{akey1,.*@glsterm\\{gtkey1,.*@glssymbol\\{skey1.*", string, re.DOTALL, )
[docs]def test_to_latex_dict(): bibgloss = BibGlossDB() bibgloss.load_bib(text_str=dedent(bib_str), ignore_nongloss_types=True) latex_dict = bibgloss.to_latex_dict() print(latex_dict) assert latex_dict == { ("glsacronym", "akey1"): [ ("\\newacronym[description={a description}]{" "akey1}{ABRV}{Abbreviation}") ], ("glsacronym", "akey2"): [ ("\\newacronym[plural={OTHERs}]{" "akey2}{OTHER}{Abbrev of other}") ], ("glsterm", "gtkey1"): [ "\\newglossaryentry{gtkey1}{", " description={the description},", " name={name}", "}", ], ("glsterm", "gtkey2"): [ "\\newglossaryentry{gtkey2}{", " description={the description of other},", " name={other name}", "}", ], ("glssymbol", "skey1"): [ "\\newglossaryentry{skey1}{", " description={the description of symbol},", " name={\\pi},", " type={symbols}", "}", ], }