Source code for ipypublish.filters_pandoc.tests.test_prepare_cites

from ipypublish.filters_pandoc.utils import apply_filter
from ipypublish.filters_pandoc.prepare_cites import main
from ipypublish.tests.utils import HTML2JSONParser

[docs]def test_para_rst(): """ """ in_string = [ "+@label{.class a=1} xyz *@label2* @label3{.b}", "", "(@label4{})", "", "(@label5{.b} x)", ] out_string = apply_filter(in_string, main, "rst") assert out_string.strip() == "\n".join( ["@label xyz *@label2* @label3", "", "(@label4)", "", "(@label5 x)"] )
[docs]def test_para_html(data_regression): """ """ in_string = ["+@label{ .class a=1} xyz *@label2* @label3{ .b}"] out_string = apply_filter(in_string, main, "html") parser = HTML2JSONParser() parser.feed(out_string) data_regression.check(parser.parsed)
# assert out_string.strip() == "\n".join([ # '<p>' # '<span class="attribute-Cite class" ' # 'data-latex="cref" data-rst="numref" data-a="1">' # '<span class="citation" data-cites="label">@label</span>' # '</span> ' # 'xyz ' # '<em><span class="citation" data-cites="label2">@label2</span></em> ' # '<span class="attribute-Cite b">' # '<span class="citation" data-cites="label3">@label3</span>' # '</span>' # '</p>', # ])
[docs]def test_table_html(data_regression): """ """ in_string = ["a b", "- -", "x y", "", "Table: Caption +@label"] out_string = apply_filter(in_string, main, "html") parser = HTML2JSONParser() parser.feed(out_string) data_regression.check(parser.parsed)
# assert out_string.strip() == "\n".join([ # '<table>', # '<caption>Caption ' # '<span class="attribute-Cite" data-latex="cref" data-rst="numref">' # '<span class="citation" data-cites="label">@label</span>' # '</span></caption>', # '<thead>', # '<tr class="header">', # '<th>a</th>', # '<th>b</th>', # '</tr>', # '</thead>', # '<tbody>', # '<tr class="odd">', # '<td>x</td>', # '<td>y</td>', # '</tr>', # '</tbody>', # '</table>' # ])
[docs]def test_image_html(data_regression): in_string = ["![a title with a @label1 +@label2 {.nclass x=3}](path/to/image.png)"] out_string = apply_filter(in_string, main, "html") parser = HTML2JSONParser() parser.feed(out_string) data_regression.check(parser.parsed)
# assert out_string.strip() == "\n".join([ # '<figure>', # '<img src="path/to/image.png" alt="a title with a @label1 @label2" />' # '<figcaption>a title with a ' # '<span class="citation" data-cites="label1">@label1</span> ' # '<span class="attribute-Cite nclass" ' # 'data-latex="cref" data-rst="numref" data-x="3">' # '<span class="citation" data-cites="label2">@label2</span>' # '</span></figcaption>', # '</figure>' # ])