Source code for ipypublish.sphinx.create_setup

import os
import logging
from six import string_types
from ipypublish.utils import read_file_from_directory

logger = logging.getLogger("make-conf")

[docs]def make_conf(overwrite=False, **kwargs): """ create the contents of a sphinx with default values compliant with ipypublish. Parameters ---------- overwrite: bool if True, default arguments are overwritten by key-word arguments kwargs: key-word arguments are included as <key> = <val> note docstring is a special key, inserted at the top of the file Returns ------- conf_content: str """ # load local config.yaml path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) data = read_file_from_directory( path, "config.yaml", "sphinx config", logger, interp_ext=True ) conf_str = [] docstring = None if "docstring" in data: docstring = data.pop("docstring") if "docstring" in kwargs: kwdocstring = data.pop("docstring") if overwrite or not docstring: docstring = kwdocstring if docstring: conf_str.append('"""') conf_str.append(str(docstring)) conf_str.append('"""') for key, val in data.items(): if key in kwargs and overwrite: continue conf_str.append("") if isinstance(val, string_types): val = '"{}"'.format(val) conf_str.append("{0} = {1}".format(key, val)) for key, val in kwargs.items(): if key in data and not overwrite: continue conf_str.append("") if isinstance(val, string_types): val = '"{}"'.format(val) conf_str.append("{0} = {1}".format(key, val)) return "\n".join(conf_str) + "\n"
[docs]def make_index( toc_files, toc_depth=3, toc_title="Table of Contents", toc_numbered=True, toc_glob=False, header=None, prolog=None, epilog=None, ): """ make an index file, containing a toc tree Parameters ---------- toc_files: list[str] list of file paths (relative to the index) to be included in the toc tree toc_depth=3: int depth of toc tree toc_title: str title of toc tree toc_numbered=True: bool number sections and figures, tables, etc header: None or str prolog: None or str epilog: None or str Returns ------- index_content: str """ if not toc_files: raise AssertionError("there must be at lease on toc file") index_str = [] if header: index_str.append(str(header)) index_str.append("=" * len(str(header))) index_str.append("") if prolog: index_str.append(str(prolog)) index_str.append("") index_str.append(".. toctree::") index_str.append(" :includehidden:") index_str.append(" :maxdepth: {}".format(toc_depth)) if toc_numbered: index_str.append(" :numbered:") if toc_glob: index_str.append(" :glob:") index_str.append(" :caption: {}:".format(toc_title)) index_str.append("") for toc_file in toc_files: index_str.append(" " + os.path.splitext(toc_file)[0].lstrip()) if epilog: index_str.append("") index_str.append(str(epilog)) return "\n".join(index_str) + "\n"
if __name__ == "__main__": print( make_conf( project="ipypublish", author="Chris Sewell", description=( "Create quality publication and presentation" "directly from Jupyter Notebook(s)" ), ) ) print(make_index(["path/to/file.rst"], header="Header"))