ipypublish.sphinx.gls.processing module

Originally adapted from: https://github.com/mcmtroffaes/sphinxcontrib-bibtex


Create app.env.bibgloss_cache if it does not exist yet. :param app: The sphinx application. :type app: sphinx.application.Sphinx

ipypublish.sphinx.gls.processing.process_citation_references(app, doctree, docname)[source]

Replace text of citation reference nodes by actual labels. :param app: The sphinx application. :type app: sphinx.application.Sphinx :param doctree: The document tree. :type doctree: docutils.nodes.document :param docname: The document name. :type docname: str

ipypublish.sphinx.gls.processing.process_citations(app, doctree, docname)[source]

Replace labels of citation nodes by actual labels. :param app: The sphinx application. :type app: sphinx.application.Sphinx :param doctree: The document tree. :type doctree: docutils.nodes.document :param docname: The document name. :type docname: str

ipypublish.sphinx.gls.processing.purge_bibgloss_cache(app, env, docname)[source]

Remove all information related to docname from the cache. :param app: The sphinx application. :type app: sphinx.application.Sphinx :param env: The sphinx build environment. :type env: sphinx.environment.BuildEnvironment