Source code for ipypublish.sphinx.gls.processing

Originally adapted from:
import docutils
import sphinx.util

from ipypublish.sphinx.gls.cache import Cache
from ipypublish.sphinx.gls.bibgloss import latex_to_docutils

logger = sphinx.util.logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def init_bibgloss_cache(app): """Create ``app.env.bibgloss_cache`` if it does not exist yet. :param app: The sphinx application. :type app: :class:`sphinx.application.Sphinx` """ if not hasattr(app.env, "bibgloss_cache"): app.env.bibgloss_cache = Cache()
[docs]def purge_bibgloss_cache(app, env, docname): """Remove all information related to *docname* from the cache. :param app: The sphinx application. :type app: :class:`sphinx.application.Sphinx` :param env: The sphinx build environment. :type env: :class:`sphinx.environment.BuildEnvironment` """ env.bibgloss_cache.purge(docname)
[docs]def process_citations(app, doctree, docname): """Replace labels of citation nodes by actual labels. :param app: The sphinx application. :type app: :class:`sphinx.application.Sphinx` :param doctree: The document tree. :type doctree: :class:`docutils.nodes.document` :param docname: The document name. :type docname: :class:`str` """ # citation(rawsource='', *children, **attributes) for node in doctree.traverse(docutils.nodes.citation): if "bibglossary" not in node.attributes.get("classes", []): continue key = node[0].astext() try: label_str = app.env.bibgloss_cache.get_label_from_key(key) except KeyError: logger.warning( "could not relabel glossary item [%s]" % key, type="bibgloss", subtype="relabel", ) else: if app.config.bibgloss_convert_latex: label = latex_to_docutils(label_str) # label(rawsource='', text='', *children, **attributes) node[0] = docutils.nodes.label("", "", *label.children[0]) else: node[0] = docutils.nodes.label("", label_str) if sphinx.version_info >= (2,): # this creates a line break between the label and the definition node.insert(1, docutils.nodes.line())
[docs]def process_citation_references(app, doctree, docname): """Replace text of citation reference nodes by actual labels. :param app: The sphinx application. :type app: :class:`sphinx.application.Sphinx` :param doctree: The document tree. :type doctree: :class:`docutils.nodes.document` :param docname: The document name. :type docname: :class:`str` """ # sphinx has already turned citation_reference nodes # into reference nodes, so iterate over reference nodes # reference(rawsource='', text='', *children, **attributes) for node in doctree.traverse(docutils.nodes.reference): if "bibglossary" not in node.attributes.get("classes", []): continue text = node[0].astext() key = text[1:-1] try: if "bibgplural" in node.attributes.get("classes", []): label = app.env.bibgloss_cache.get_plural_from_key(key) else: label = app.env.bibgloss_cache.get_label_from_key(key) except KeyError: pass logger.warning( "could not relabel glossary reference [%s]" % key, type="bibgloss", subtype="relabel", ) else: if "bibgcapital" in node.attributes.get("classes", []): label = label.capitalize() if app.config.bibgloss_convert_latex: # note we use only the first child of the document # TODO is this the best way to do this label = latex_to_docutils(label) if sphinx.version_info < (2,): node[0] = label.children[0] else: # in sphinx v2 the child is a paragraph node[0] = label.children[0].children[0] else: node[0] = docutils.nodes.Text(label)