Source code for ipypublish.convert.main

#!/usr/bin/env python
# import base64
from typing import List, Tuple, Union, Dict  # noqa: F401
import io
import logging
import os
import re
import shutil
import time
from traitlets.config import Config
from jsonextended import edict
from six import string_types

import ipypublish
from ipypublish.utils import pathlib, handle_error
from ipypublish.scripts.nbmerge import merge_notebooks
from ipypublish.convert.config_manager import (get_export_config_path,
from ipypublish.scripts.pdfexport import export_pdf

logger = logging.getLogger("conversion")

[docs]def publish(ipynb_path, conversion='latex_ipypublish_main', outpath=None, dump_files=False, ignore_prefix='_', clear_existing=False, create_pdf=False, pdf_in_temp=False, pdf_debug=False, plugin_folder_paths=(), dry_run=False): """ convert one or more Jupyter notebooks to a published format paths can be string of an existing file or folder, or a pathlib.Path like object all files linked in the documents are placed into a single folder Parameters ---------- ipynb_path notebook file or directory outformat: str output format to use outpath : str or pathlib.Path path to output converted files dump_files: bool whether to write files from nbconvert (images, etc) to outpath ignore_prefix: str ignore ipynb files with this prefix clear_existing : str whether to clear existing external files in outpath folder create_pdf: bool whether to convert to pdf (if converting to latex) pdf_in_temp: bool whether to run pdf conversion in a temporary folder pdf_debug: bool if True, run latexmk in interactive mode dry_run: bool if True, do not create any files Returns -------- outpath: str path to output file exporter: nbconvert.exporters.Exporter the exporter used """ # setup the input and output paths if isinstance(ipynb_path, string_types): ipynb_path = pathlib.Path(ipynb_path) ipynb_name = os.path.splitext([0] files_folder = ipynb_name + '_files' outdir = os.path.join( os.getcwd(), 'converted') if outpath is None else outpath if not dry_run and not os.path.exists(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir) # log start of conversion'started ipypublish v{0} at {1}'.format( ipypublish.__version__, time.strftime("%c")))'logging to: {}'.format( os.path.join(outdir, ipynb_name + '.nbpub.log')))'running for ipynb(s) at: {0}'.format(ipynb_path))'with conversion configuration: {0}'.format(conversion)) # merge all notebooks (this handles checking ipynb_path exists) final_nb, meta_path = merge_notebooks(ipynb_path, ignore_prefix=ignore_prefix) logger.debug('notebooks meta path: {}'.format(meta_path)) # find conversion configuration'finding conversion configuration: {}'.format(conversion)) export_config_path = None if isinstance(conversion, string_types): outformat_path = pathlib.Path(conversion) else: outformat_path = conversion if outformat_path.exists(): # TODO use pathlib approach # if is outformat is a path that exists, use that export_config_path = outformat_path else: # else search internally export_config_path = get_export_config_path( conversion, plugin_folder_paths) if export_config_path is None: handle_error( "could not find conversion configuration: {}".format(conversion), IOError, logger) # read conversion configuration and create'loading conversion configuration') data = load_export_config(export_config_path)'creating exporter') exporter_cls = create_exporter_cls(data["exporter"]["class"])'creating template') jinja_template = load_template(data["template"])'creating nbconvert configuration') config = create_config(data["exporter"], {"${meta_path}": str(meta_path), "${files_path}": str(files_folder)}) # run nbconvert'running nbconvert') exporter, body, resources = export_notebook(final_nb, exporter_cls, config, jinja_template) # postprocess results body, resources, internal_files = postprocess_nb(body, resources) if dry_run: return outpath, exporter # write results"writing results") main_file_name = ipynb_name + exporter.file_extension outpath, outfilespath = write_output(body, resources, outdir, main_file_name, dump_files or create_pdf, files_folder, internal_files, clear_existing) # create pdf if create_pdf and exporter.output_mimetype == 'text/latex':'running pdf conversion') if not export_pdf(outpath, outdir=outdir, files_path=outfilespath, convert_in_temp=pdf_in_temp, html_viewer=True, debug_mode=pdf_debug): handle_error('pdf export failed, try running with pdf_debug=True', RuntimeError, logger)'process finished successfully') return outpath, exporter
[docs]def create_config(exporter_data, replacements): # type: (dict, Dict[str, str]) -> Config config = {} exporter_name = exporter_data["class"].split(".")[-1] config[exporter_name + ".filters"] = exporter_data.get("filters", []) preprocessors = [] for preproc in exporter_data.get("preprocessors", []): preprocessors.append(preproc["class"]) preproc_name = preproc["class"].split(".")[-1] for name, val in preproc.get("args", {}).items(): if isinstance(val, string_types): for instr, outstr in replacements.items(): val = val.replace(instr, outstr) config[preproc_name + "." + name] = val config[exporter_name + ".preprocessors"] = preprocessors for name, val in exporter_data.get("other_args", {}).items(): if isinstance(val, string_types): for instr, outstr in replacements.items(): val = val.replace(instr, outstr) config[name] = val # ensure file paths point towards the right folder files_path = "${files_path}" for instr, outstr in replacements.items(): files_path = files_path.replace(instr, outstr) config[ 'ExtractOutputPreprocessor.output_filename_template' ] = files_path + '/{unique_key}_{cell_index}_{index}{extension}' return dict_to_config(config, True)
[docs]def dict_to_config(config, unflatten=True): if unflatten: config = edict.unflatten(config, key_as_tuple=False, delim=".") return Config(config)
[docs]def export_notebook(final_nb, exporter_cls, config, jinja_template): exporter = exporter_cls( config=config, extra_loaders=[] if jinja_template is None else [jinja_template]) body, resources = exporter.from_notebook_node(final_nb) return exporter, body, resources
[docs]def postprocess_nb(body, resources): # TODO could this be written as nbconvert component? # reduce multiple blank lines to single body = re.sub(r'\n\s*\n', '\n\n', body) # make sure references refer to correct slides if 'refslide' in resources: for k, (col, row) in resources['refslide'].items(): body = body.replace('{{id_home_prefix}}{0}'.format( k), '#/{0}/{1}{2}'.format(col, row, k)) # filter internal files by those that are referenced in the document body if resources['outputs']: for path in list(resources['outputs'].keys()): if path not in body: resources['outputs'].pop(path) internal_files = resources['outputs'] else: internal_files = {} return body, resources, internal_files
[docs]def write_output(body, resources, outdir, main_file_name, output_external, files_folder, internal_files, clear_existing): # TODO should this be done using an nbconvert writer? # e.g. nbconvert.writers.FilesWriter # output main file outpath = os.path.join(outdir, main_file_name) outfilespath = os.path.join(outdir, files_folder)'outputting converted file to: {}'.format(outpath)) with, "w", encoding='utf8') as fh: fh.write(body) # output external files if output_external:'dumping external files to: {}'.format(outfilespath)) if os.path.exists(outfilespath): if clear_existing: shutil.rmtree(outfilespath) else: os.mkdir(outfilespath) for internal_path, fcontents in internal_files.items(): with open(os.path.join(outdir, internal_path), "wb") as fh: fh.write(fcontents) for external_path in resources['external_file_paths']: shutil.copyfile(external_path, os.path.join(outfilespath, os.path.basename(external_path))) return outpath, outfilespath
if __name__ == "__main__": publish("/Users/cjs14/GitHub/ipypublish/example/notebooks/Example.ipynb", dry_run=True)